Misery's Vixenmiserysvixen.neocities.org

278+ Total Plays (SoundCloud)
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  • Artist description
    I make garbage music in Apple’s GarBage app (GarageBand) on my garbage $700 iPad. (don’t buy one, it’s a scam)
    Music Style
    Terrifying techno trauma.
    Musical Influences
    Neil Cicierega is a HUGE inspiration for me!! Why, he's the reason why I wanted to be a music artist in the first place. There’s also other stuff I hear, like Logan Whitehurst, ELO, Cyriak ...
    Similar Artists
    Deporitaz, Lemon Demon, ELO, Cyriak, spellcasting, toby fox... ehm... JATH?
    Artist History
    I've been making music since 2018, but I had only made 2 songs that year. 3 years later (in 2021), I was assigned a school project to make digital music on the website BeepBox. I made 7 catchy ringtones, then in 2023, I really wanted to get into song making this time, so I started doing it in GarageBand. This turned into my first Misery's Vixen song “Something Something Furry Costume”, to which I first uploaded to BitView on 25/09/2023. I decided to call myself “Misery’s Vixen” because of the Lemon Demon lyrics “misery’s bitch”. I just turned the “bitch” into “vixen” to be family friendly, but it also (by definition) means female fox, so... I guess I'm even more of a furry now, eh? I'm also kind of a copycat... meow :3
    Group Members
    Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges, Jacob Hodges and Jacob Hodges. (i'm lazy)
    I just put a bunch of GarageBand sounds together, and voila! But I mainly use synths, pianos, guitars, drums and basses.
    Happy Halloween! (EP)
    Fennec Tails (Single)
    /?Rotten Lemon!\ (EP)
    Can't Pick Up The Phone / Volcano Time (Single)
    Additional Info
    I'm mainly known on the internet as Fennec. Here's my personal website: fennec2996.neocities.org
    I was born on the 8th of February, 2008.
    Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Don't steal my songs. 🔪


    Copyright 2023-2024 Fennec2996. Website design stolen from mp3.com, which shut down in 2003... so I'm not guilty.